

Dental-Alveolar Surgery Specialist

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MEDIC Specialist Dental-Alveolar Surgery

Master of Endodontics at UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest Graduate of UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest

2020-2021 Master’s Degree in New York University – Post Graduate Program “Current Concepts in American Dentistry”

2019- Congress of New York University- Bucharest Dentistry Summit 2019- “Clinical Strategies to maximize Success in Periodontic, Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry”

2019- AMSPPR Congress- Multidisciplinary Interference in Dentistry 2019- Course of Plasmolifting in Stomatology

2019- SSER Course- “Practical applications of piezo-surgery in minimally invasive implantology” 2019-SSER Course – “How to place an implant for predictable outcomes”

2019-Curs SSER- “The use of Er; YAG Laser in Denstistry”

2018- Paro-Prosthetic Congress of AMSPPR: Paro-Prosthetic Days

2017- SSER Course- “Intensive practical sinus lifting course with the help of piezosurgery”

2017- The 16-th International Biennial Congress of the International Academy of Periodontology 2017-International Congress Implants Connected to Nature

2017-Module I ARDS Implant System- Fundamental Sciences in Oral Implantology

Module II ARDS Implant System- Bone Augmentation in Oral Implantology Module III ARDS Implant System- Current Impression Techniques in Implantology

Module IV ARDS Implant System – Fixed pre-prosthetic restorations on implant abutments: screwed vs cemented

2017- AMSPPR Paro-Prosthetic Congress

2016-Congress AMSPPR Workshop “Current Techniques in Periodontal Regenerative Therapy”

2016- Perio Masterclass – Best Performance in the category of Basic Periodontology

2015- AMSPPR Congress: “Multidisciplinary Interferences in Dentistry”

2014- SSER course: “CAD / CAM systems in daily practice”

2014- Romanian Association for the Study of Pain – Congress on “Orofacial Pain”

2013- UMF Carol Davila Congress Bucharest- “Performance management based on information technology in Dentistry”

2012- SSER Course “Update in Integral Ceramic Restorations”

2011- International Congress of Dental Aesthetics

2009-2011 UMF Carol Davila – Master in Endodntie- “Management of Dental Pulp Diseases”

2008-2012- Resident in the UMF Carol Davila Bucharest in the Specialty: “Dento – Alveolar Surgery”

Doctor Alina Craciun